Elkton Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
The Elkton Baptist Church, organized in 1894, is located in southern Giles County, Tennessee, in the Elkton Community. The first pastor Dr. F.M. Yeager served from 1894 until his death in February 1914. Church services originally were held in the Cumberland Presbyterian church building until 1896, when the lot where the present church building is located was purchased and a frame building was erected. After Reverend Yeager's death, the membership went into a decline and services were discontinued in 1918. In the ensuing years, the building was used as a tobacco barn and temporary classroom for the Elkton School. In 1932, the church was reorganized and began to grow with the help of brush arbor meetings. In 1933, the building was dedicated again to the ministy of the Gospel.
Church membership continued to grow and a concrete block sanctuary section with a full hand-dug basement was constructed in 1947. In 1964, more classrooms were added as well as a kitchen and bathrooms. In 1982, a new foyer was added and the building was bricked. In 1987, a new handicapped side entrance and chair lift was added. In 1991, a pastor's study, large kitchen, fellowship hall, and five classrooms were added.
In 2008, the church began a new growth phase. Rev. Sammy Brister was called as the pastor and very soon the Sunday morning worship attendance filled the seating capacity of the church sanctuary. In November 2008, the church initiated two morning worship services, as an interim step until a new larger sanctuary could be built. In 2009, the church entered into a building program for that expansion and the church was blessed with a generous donation of land behind the original sanctuary to be used in future expansion. In December 2011, the first service was held in the new sanctuary with a seating capacity of 600. Additional classrooms, a pastor's study, and church office were included in this expansion. In 2012, the church experienced a huge loss, when their pastor, Rev. Brister, went home to be with the Lord. 
Plans are underway to begin the next phase of the building program which will complete the exterior of the building and connect the sanctuary to the fellowship hall.
Elkton Baptist Church is rich in history and has been a ministry in the community for over 120 years. The Lord has blessed and continues to bless the church in so many ways. Our prayer is that His blessings will continue during the next century and that Elkton Baptist Church will be a light in the community bringing the gospel to those who are lost.